About Us


We review top FDA approved medications at lowest prices in brand and generic forms. The best online drug store provides top quality information on WHO essentials with recommendations from top experts in medical domain.

Our website is a specialized online health care resource offering correct, credible, detailed and current information on generic and brand medications. We gather, research and check data to inform you about the medicines, their indications, conditions treated, risks, side effects, precautions and contraindications. Together with top reputable online info resource, we are the best online drug store providing FDA approved medications at lowest prices on the internet.

Our team consists of practitioners of all medical domains. The top qualified experts have extensive knowledge base and practical experience to provide you with useful information about drugs and ways of intake.

Each drug page of the best online drug store contains information on the medication, its manufacturer, whether it is brand or generic form of drug, what condition it treats and what side

effects you can expect with this medication.

We inform on the best schemes of intake and warn against uncontrolled treatment. Each drug presented in the best online drug store is checked by our experts for safety of in-home usage. IF the drug can not be used at home without proper medical control safely, then a warning about necessary medical control will be included into the drug description.

What are the benefits of using our website?

The best online drug store is created with a different mission. Unlike thousands of other websites which are created only for profit from selling of expensive drugs, we care about our customers. Our top priority is to make your drug choice well informed and backed with superior data from practicing medical experts.

You can read professional reviews of the FDA approved medications to check what is prescribed to you by your health care provider. We put efforts to make drug descriptions and reviews simple to read and understand avoiding strange medical terms which can be unfamiliar or hard to understand for you. We explain the risks of each condition, each side effect and each drug for most of the cases. Unfortunately, none of the FDA approved medications’ reviews can consider all the information and all the conditions for which the drug can be prescribed. However we try hard to cover all the essential data for each patient. Thus you have a chance to find out new facts about the drugs and consult your health care provider once again to avoid unwanted side effects and responses from your body.

How we gather information about FDA approved medications?

This best online drug store offers only FDA approved medications. Our experts take the data not only from the official drug manufacturers, but we check the data from independent medical sources conducting studies and comprehensive researches of the drug and their effects on patients of different groups. There are known cases when even reputable drug manufactures concealed information on the drugs to avoid drops of sales. That is why we thoroughly research each available study on the drugs we offer you at the lowest prices.

That is why some drugs offer information on the drug which is slightly different from data provided by the official drug manufacturer.

Our responsibility

This About Us section contains information on the responsibility of the best online drug store. We take the responsibility only for the information we provide, but we warn our users to take this information only as knowledge base and another chance to consult a health care provider but not to take the information on the FDA approved medications guidance to take the medicine without your doctor’s prescription.

As any online pharmacy our best online drug store offers FDA approved medications at lowest prices and without prescription as we do not have any possibility to check the prescription. However each medication review contains warnings on the risks of taking the drug without medical control.

There are no totally safe drug. Even a food supplement can cause severe damages to your body and health. If some medications are taken without a doctor knowing, then a patient may experience

anaphylaxis, shock or death. Without specific knowledge and practical experience you will not be able to consider all possible outcomes and all related conditions you have to ensure safe and at the same time effective dosages. Some conditions may be of severe danger for you and your relatives.

Please, once again, do not neglect visiting your health care provider for getting indications and prescriptions for your treatment and use the reviews from the best online drug store to get well informed on the flow of treatment and cases which require additional medical care.

If you take the medicine without prescription from your doctor and without proper medical control of the treatment and the response of your body to the action of medication, then nobody will take responsibility for the outcome of the treatment. Neither this best online drug store, nor the drug manufacturer will take responsibility for what will happen to your health during uncontrolled treatment.

How to buy FDA approved medications safely?

The best online drug store offers only officially approved medications which we order from official manufacturers. We never order drugs from resellers or from unknown providers. Before we offer any medication to our customers we thoroughly check the manufacturer, the documents and the drug.

Due to wholesale orders from manufacturers we keep lowest prices for FDA approved medicines in our best online drug store for everyone.

If you need a medication or you want to check a medication, please, visit our online drug store and search for a necessary drug. Read the review. The review will contain all the conditions the drug is used for, the brand names and generic versions of the drugs, risks and side effects the drug may cause. We also recommend putting special attention to the section of precautions and contraindications as our top experts foresee additional risks for each drugs from their practice.

We understand that our customers have different incomes and we strive to provide high quality, effective and safe treatment for all groups of patients. That is why we keep the lowest prices and offer out clients as brand so generic medications. If you are looking for credible drug reviews as well as for lowest prices for FDA approved drugs then our best online drug store is what you exactly need!